


Keeping-up with dissemination and spill-overs, Endurance S.p.A. organizes in Chivasso plant an IPCEI Batteries open house event.

The event is planned from 9.00 to 12.00 AM. As committed in the Project Portfolio, Endurance will share tangible examples of the achievements to stakeholders, students, SME, suppliers, educational institutions at each key milestones reached.

In this occasion, milestones related to:

  • IPCEI 1: M 3.2 – Innovative product design , M 4.2 innovative HPDC battery housings manufacturing processes
  • EuBatIn: M 1.2 – Swap unit re-charging concept, M 3.1-Innovative products Alpha prototypes and related manufacturing processes (M 4.1) will be introduced to participants.

An innovative HPDC cell, capable of producing thin-wall VDA 390 Li-Ion modules housing in one light-weight piece with LCFP – Low Carbon Foot-Print alloys, will be presented. Manufacturing process flow (including quality gates, heat treatment and machining) will be shown during the plant tour, where alloys are transformed into easy to assemble and dis-assemble battery housings, including swappable units for E-scooters.

Special guest:

  • Corso ITS 13a Edizione – Biennio 2023-2024 – Torino
    E-Mobility – MEET03 – Tecnico Superiore per l’Automazione ed i Sistemi Meccatronici  

  • Fondazione ITS – Academy per la Mobilità Sostenibile AEROSPAZIO/MECCATRONICA del Piemonte.

If interested to join, please send an e-mail to: claudio.mus@enduranceoverseas.comwithin April 5th, 2024

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