In order to promote dissemination, Endurance S.p.A. organized in Chivasso plant an IPCEI Batteries open house event.
As committed in the Project Portfolio, Endurance is sharing tangible examples of the achievements to stakeholders, students, SME, suppliers, educational institutions at each key milestones reached.
In this occasion milestones related to smart batteries substitution management (M2.1) and innovative HPDC battery housings manufacturing products – Alpha phase (M4.1) have been introduced to participants.
The innovative HPDC battery housings manufacturing process, capable of producing thin-wall VDA 390 Li-Ion modules housing in one light-weight piece with LCFP – Low Carbon Foot-Print alloys, has been demonstrated during the plant tour, where alloys are transformed into battery housing.
Special guests:
Speakers at ICPM2023 – 17th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials.