
Industry 4.0 projects

Endurance is an active part in market trend analysis and implementation of Industry 4.0 projects.

Main topics:

  • “Impacts of alternative Propulsion Systems for Hybrid & Electrical Vehicles on the Aluminium casting Supply Chain” G. Cipolla/ C. Mus (46th Faro Meeting, 19/20 October 2016 – Bergamo)
  • “Foundry 4.0 – Digitizing in Foundry” C. Mus (AIM day casting Center, 23 March 2017 – Bergamo Kilometro Rosso)
  • “Global vehicle industry outlook, after the Brexit and US Presidential votes: focus on forecast confidence levels and assessing risk” P. Kelly/ C. Mus (47th Faro Meeting, 06/07 April 2017 – Imola).

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